YWCA Glendale and Pasadena’s Girls’ Circle after-school program is currently registering girls from Glendale and Pasadena Unified School Districts for the Winter-Spring 2025 school year for in-person circles at Flintridge Center in Pasadena.

The Girls’ Circle model is a structured support group for girls and youth who identify with female development; it integrates relational theory, resiliency practices, and skills training in a specific format designed to increase positive connection and personal and collective strengths in girls. Girls’ Circle is listed on SAMHSA’s national registry of evidenced-based programs. 

Girls Circle Parent

“She earned her 1ST community service hours, she’s meeting a lot of new people and making a name for herself inside and outside of her community. It’s teaching her how to recognize good and bad relationships. Being in the Girls Empowerment setting has taken her out of her “comfort zone”and is opening her eyes/ears and giving her a safe space to discuss real life big girl issues amongst her peers that she probably wouldn’t feel as confident or comfortable sharing with adults. She’s also expressing herself artistically by creating beautiful art and other craft projects that she wouldn’t normally be inspired to indulge in at home.”

Registration Process

1) Complete this online form | en Español
2) Sign & submit waivers and forms to Gabriela Abrego at: gabrielaabrego@ywcagp.org
3) Await confirmation of your student’s enrollment!

This program is supported, in part, by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Department of Arts and Culture.